Who Are We?
Bathurst Family Support Service is a community organisation that is
not-for- profit and a registered charity that provides services for families with children who live in Bathurst and Oberon areas.
We work in partnership with families for best outcomes for children, using a child centred and strengths based approach to our work.
Our vision is that children are safe and resilient in strong families with healthy relationships.
Our Services
Child and Family Support Service
An Early Intervention programmes for families in Bathurst and Oberon areas with children aged 0-11 years, offering the following activities:
Information, advice and referral
Family Assessment
Parenting Programmes
Case Management
Early Intervention programmes provide children and their families with the opportunity to receive targeted support to address issues or concerns, to increase skills, knowledge and capacity, with the aim of providing children with the best possible circumstances to grow and develop, in safe and nurturing environments.
The Child and Family Support service is available to families who have concerns, needs or goals that would bring not them into contact with child protection services.
The Child and Family Support service is funded by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice under the Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) program.

Intensive Family Preservation Service
A service to support families to increase skills to reduce risk factors to ensure that children remain with their family and are safe. This service is available to families who are case managed by Department of Communities and Justice and referred by DCJ.
The Intensive Family Preservation Service is funded by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice.
Bathurst Family Support Service recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as Australia’s First People, whose land we now all share. We pay respect to the values of the First Australians, and the continuing and enduring cultures which deepen and enrich the life or our nation and communities.
Bathurst Family Support Service operates on Wiradjuri land and we acknowledge the Wiradjuri people as the original custodians of the land on which we work and live. We pay respects to Wiradjuri Elders and the community, and value the children who are the emerging leaders.